adultinternetusers > References > MathML Reference

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Attributes:class | id | order | other | style | xlink:href | xref |
Parents:apply | bvar | condition | declare | degree | domainofapplication | fn | interval | lambda | list | logbase | lowlimit | maction | math | matrix | matrixrow | menclose | merror | mfenced | mfrac | mlabeledtr | mmultiscripts | momentabout | mover | mpadded | mphantom | mroot | mrow | msqrt | mstyle | msub | msubsup | msup | mtable | mtd | mtr | munder | munderover | otherwise | piece | reln | semantics | set | uplimit | vector |
Children:abs | and | annotation | annotation-xml | apply | approx | arccos | arccosh | arccot | arccoth | arccsc | arccsch | arcsec | arcsech | arcsin | arcsinh | arctan | arctanh | arg | bvar | card | cartesianproduct | ceiling | ci | cn | codomain | complexes | compose | condition | conjugate | cos | cosh | cot | coth | csc | csch | csymbol | curl | declare | degree | determinant | diff | divergence | divide | domain | domainofapplication | emptyset | eq | equivalent | eulergamma | exists | exp | exponentiale | factorial | factorof | false | floor | fn | forall | gcd | geq | grad | gt | ident | image | imaginary | imaginaryi | implies | in | infinity | int | integers | intersect | interval | inverse | lambda | laplacian | lcm | leq | limit | list | ln | log | logbase | lowlimit | lt | maction | maligngroup | malignmark | matrix | matrixrow | max | mean | median | menclose | merror | mfenced | mfrac | mi | min | minus | mlabeledtr | mmultiscripts | mn | mo | mode | moment | momentabout | mover | mpadded | mphantom | mroot | mrow | ms | mspace | msqrt | mstyle | msub | msubsup | msup | mtable | mtd | mtext | mtr | munder | munderover | naturalnumbers | neq | not | notanumber | notin | notprsubset | notsubset | or | outerproduct | partialdiff | pi | piecewise | plus | power | primes | product | prsubset | quotient | rationals | real | reals | reln | rem | root | scalarproduct | sdev | sec | sech | selector | semantics | sep | set | setdiff | sin | sinh | subset | sum | tan | tanh | tendsto | times | transpose | true | union | uplimit | variance | vector | vectorproduct | xor |

Associated examples in Example repository.


XHTML documentMathML Source
Example from standard
     <ci> a </ci>
     <ci> b </ci>
     <ci> c </ci>
XHTML documentMathML Source
Example from standard
<list order="numeric">
          <ci> x </ci>
               <ci> x </ci>
               <cn> 5 </cn>
     <ci> x </ci>

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