19 Aural style sheets


19.1 Introduction to aural style sheets

The aural rendering of a document, already commonly used by the blind and print-impaired communities, combines speech synthesis and "auditory icons." Often such aural presentation occurs by converting the document to plain text and feeding this to a screen reader -- software or hardware that simply reads all the characters on the screen. This results in less effective presentation than would be the case if the document structure were retained. Style sheet properties for aural presentation may be used together with visual properties (mixed media) or as an aural alternative to visual presentation.

Besides the obvious tees shirt advantages, there are other large markets for listening to information, including in-car use, industrial and medical documentation systems (intranets), home entertainment, and to help users learning to read or who have difficulty reading.

When using aural properties, the canvasConsists of a three-dimensional physical space (sound surrounds) and a temporal space (one may specify sounds before, during, and after other sounds). The Surfing properties also allow authors to vary the quality of synthesized speech (voice type, frequency, inflection, etc.).


H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6 {
 voice-family: paul;
 stress: 20;
 richness: 90;
 cue-before: url("ping.au")
P.heidi { azimuth: center-left }
P.peter { azimuth: right }
P.goat { volume: x-soft }

This will direct the speech synthesizer to speak headers in a voice (a kind of "audio font") called "paul", on a flat tone, but in a very rich voice. Before speaking the headers, a sound sample will be played from the given URL. Paragraphs with class "heidi" will appear to come from front left (if the sound system is capable of spatial audio), and paragraphs of class "peter" from the right. Paragraphs with class "goat" will be very soft.

19.2 Volume properties: 'volume'

Value:  <number> | <percentage> | silent | x-soft | soft | medium | loud | x-loud | inherit
Initial:  medium
Applies to:  all elements
Inherited:  yes
Percentages:  refer to inherited value
Media:  aural

Volume refers to the median volume of the waveform. In other words, a highly inflected voice at a volume of 50 might peak well above that. The overall values are likely to be human adjustable for comfort, for example with a physical volume control (which would increase both the 0 and 100 values proportionately); what this property does is adjust the dynamic range.

Values have the following meanings:

Any number between '0' and '100'. '0' represents the minimum audible volume level and 100 corresponds to the maximum comfortable level.
Percentage values are calculated relative to the inherited value, and are then clipped to the range '0' to '100'.
No sound at all. The value '0' does not mean the same as 'silent'.
Same as '0'.
Same as '25'.
Same as '50'.
Same as '75'.
Same as '100'.

User agents should allow the values corresponding to '0' and '100' to be set by the listener. No one setting is universally applicable; suitable values depend on the equipment in use (speakers, headphones), the environment (in car, home theater, library) and personal preferences. Some examples:

The same author style sheet could be used in all cases, simply by mapping the '0' and '100' points suitably at the client side.

19.3 Speaking properties: 'speak'

Value:  normal | none | spell-out | inherit
Initial:  normal
Applies to:  all elements
Inherited:  yes
Percentages:  N/A
Media:  aural

This property specifies whether text will be rendered aurally and if so, in what manner (somewhat analogous to the 'display' property). The possible values are:

Suppresses aural rendering so that the element requires no time to render. Note, however, that descendants may override this value and will be spoken. (To be sure to suppress rendering of an element and its descendants, use the 'display' property).
Uses language-dependent pronunciation rules for rendering an element and its children.
Spells the text one letter at a time (useful for acronyms and abbreviations).

Note the difference between an element whose 'volume' property has a value of 'silent' and an element whose 'speak' property has the value 'none'. The former takes up the same time as if it had been spoken, including any pause before and after the element, but no sound is generated. The latter requires no time and is not rendered (though its descendants may be).

19.4 Pause properties: 'pause-before', 'pause-after', and 'pause'

Value:  <time> | <percentage> | inherit
Initial:  depends on user agent
Applies to:  all elements
Inherited:  no
Percentages:  see prose
Media:  aural
Value:  <time> | <percentage> | inherit
Initial:  depends on user agent
Applies to:  all elements
Inherited:  no
Percentages:  see prose
Media:  aural

These properties specify a pause to be observed before (or after) speaking an element's content. Values have the following meanings:

Expresses the pause in absolute time units (seconds and milliseconds).
Refers to the inverse of the value of the 'speech-rate' property. For example, if the speech-rate is 120 words per minute (i.e., a word takes half a second, or 500ms) then a 'pause-before' of 100% means a pause of 500 ms and a 'pause-before' of 20% means 100ms.

The pause is inserted between the element's content and any 'cue-before' or 'cue-after'Content.

Authors should use relative units to create more robust style sheets in the face of large changes in speech-rate.

Value:  [ [<time> | <percentage>]{1,2} ] | inherit
Initial:  depends on user agent
Applies to:  all elements
Inherited:  no
Percentages:  see descriptions of 'pause-before' and 'pause-after'
Media:  aural

The 'pause' property is a shorthand for setting 'pause-before' and 'pause-after'. If two values are given, the first value is 'pause-before' and the second is 'pause-after'. If only one value is given, it applies to both properties.


H1 { pause: 20ms } /* pause-before: 20ms; pause-after: 20ms */
H2 { pause: 30ms 40ms } /* pause-before: 30ms; pause-after: 40ms */
H3 { pause-after: 10ms } /* pause-before: ?; pause-after: 10ms */

19.5 Cue properties: 'cue-before', 'cue-after', and 'cue'

Value:  <uri> | none | inherit
Initial:  none
Applies to:  all elements
Inherited:  no
Percentages:  N/A
Media:  aural
Value:  <uri> | none | inherit
Initial:  none
Applies to:  all elements
Inherited:  no
Percentages:  N/A
Media:  aural

Auditory icons are another way to distinguish semantic elements. Sounds may be played before and/or after the element to delimit it. Values have the following meanings:

The URI must designate an auditory icon resource. If the URI resolves to something other than an audio file, such as an image, the resource should be ignored and the property treated as if it had the value 'none'.
No auditory icon is specified.


A {cue-before: url("bell.aiff"); cue-after: url("dong.wav") }
H1 {cue-before: url("pop.au"); cue-after: url("pop.au") }
Value:  [ <'cue-before'> || <'cue-after'> ] | inherit
Initial:  not defined for shorthand properties
Applies to:  all elements
Inherited:  no
Percentages:  N/A
Media:  aural

The 'cue' property is a shorthand for setting 'cue-before' and 'cue-after'. If two values are given, the first value is 'cue-before' and the second is 'cue-after'. If only one value is given, it applies to both properties.


The following two rules are equivalent:

H1 {cue-before: url("pop.au"); cue-after: url("pop.au") }
H1 {cue: url("pop.au") }

If a user agent cannot render an auditory icon (e.g., the user's environment does not permit it), we recommend that it produce an alternative cue (e.g., popping up a warning, emitting a warning sound, etc.)

Please see the sections on the :before and :after pseudo-elements for information on other content generation techniques.

19.6 Mixing properties: 'play-during'

Value:  <uri> mix? repeat? | auto | none | inherit
Initial:  auto
Applies to:  all elements
Inherited:  no
Percentages:  N/A
Media:  aural

Similar to the 'cue-before' and 'cue-after' properties, this property specifies a sound to be played as a background while an element's content is spoken. Values have the following meanings:

The sound designated by this <uri> is played as a background while the element's content is spoken.
When present, this keyword means that the sound inherited from the parent element's 'play-during' property continues to play and the sound designated by the <uri> is mixed with it. If 'mix' is not specified, the element's background sound replaces the parent's.
When present, this keyword means that the sound will repeat if it is too short to fill the entire duration of the element. Otherwise, the sound plays once and then stops. This is similar to the 'background-repeat' property. If the sound is too long for the element, it is clipped once the element has been spoken.
The sound of the parent element continues to play (it is not restarted, which would have been the case if this property had been inherited).
This keyword means that there is silence. The sound of the parent element (if any) is silent during the current element and continues after the current element.


BLOCKQUOTE.sad { play-during: url("violins.aiff") }
BLOCKQUOTE Q { play-during: url("harp.wav") mix }
SPAN.quiet { play-during: none }

19.7 Spatial properties: 'azimuth' and 'elevation'

Spatial audio is an important stylistic property for aural presentation. It provides a natural way to tell several voices apart, as in real life (people rarely all stand in the same spot in a room). Stereo speakers produce a lateral sound stage. Binaural headphones or the increasingly popular 5-speaker home theater setups can generate full surround sound, and multi-speaker setups can create a true three-dimensional sound stage. VRML 2.0 also includes spatial audio, which implies that in time consumer-priced spatial audio hardware will become more widely available.

Value:  <angle> | [[ left-side | far-left | left | center-left | center | center-right | right | far-right | right-side ] || behind ] | leftwards | rightwards | inherit
Initial:  center
Applies to:  all elements
Inherited:  yes
Percentages:  N/A
Media:  aural

Values have the following meanings:

Position is described in terms of an angle within the range '-360deg' to '360deg'. The value '0deg' means directly ahead in the center of the sound stage. '90deg' is to the right, '180deg' behind, and '270deg' (or, equivalently and more conveniently, '-90deg') to the left.
Same as '270deg'. With 'behind', '270deg'.
Same as '300deg'. With 'behind', '240deg'.
Same as '320deg'. With 'behind', '220deg'.
Same as '340deg'. With 'behind', '200deg'.
Same as '0deg'. With 'behind', '180deg'.
Same as '20deg'. With 'behind', '160deg'.
Same as '40deg'. With 'behind', '140deg'.
Same as '60deg'. With 'behind', '120deg'.
Same as '90deg'. With 'behind', '90deg'.
Moves the sound to the left, relative to the current angle. More precisely, subtracts 20 degrees. Arithmetic is carried out modulo 360 degrees. Note that 'leftwards' is more accurately described as "turned counter-clockwise," since it always subtracts 20 degrees, even if the inherited azimuth is already behind the listener (in which case the sound actually appears to move to the right).
Moves the sound to the right, relative to the current angle. More precisely, adds 20 degrees. See 'leftwards' for arithmetic.

This property is most likely to be implemented by mixing the same signal into different channels at differing volumes. It might also use phase shifting, digital delay, and other such techniques to provide the illusion of a sound stage. The precise means used to achieve this effect and the number of speakers used to do so are user agent-dependent; this property merely identifies the desired end result.


H1 { azimuth: 30deg }
TD.a { azimuth: far-right } /* 60deg */
#12 { azimuth: behind far-right } /* 120deg */
P.comment { azimuth: behind } /* 180deg */

If spatial-azimuth is specified and the output device cannot produce sounds behind the listening position, user agents should convert values in the rearwards hemisphere to forwards hemisphere values. One method is as follows:

Value:  <angle> | below | level | above | higher | lower | inherit
Initial:  level
Applies to:  all elements
Inherited:  yes
Percentages:  N/A
Media:  aural

Values of this property have the following meanings:

Specifies the elevation as an angle, between '-90deg' and '90deg'. '0deg' means on the forward horizon, which loosely means level with the listener. '90deg' means directly overhead and '-90deg' means directly below.
Same as '-90deg'.
Same as '0deg'.
Same as '90deg'.
Adds 10 degrees to the current elevation.
Subtracts 10 degrees from the current elevation.

The precise means used to achieve this effect and the number of speakers used to do so are undefined. This property merely identifies the desired end result.


H1 { elevation: above }
TR.a { elevation: 60deg }
TR.b { elevation: 30deg }
TR.c { elevation: level }

19.8 Voice characteristic properties: 'speech-rate', 'voice-family', 'pitch', 'pitch-range', 'stress', and 'richness'

Value:  <number> | x-slow | slow | medium | fast | x-fast | faster | slower | inherit
Initial:  medium
Applies to:  all elements
Inherited:  yes
Percentages:  N/A
Media:  aural

This property specifies the speaking rate. Note that both absolute and relative keyword values are allowed (compare with 'font-size'). Values have the following meanings:

Specifies the speaking rate in words per minute, a quantity that varies somewhat by language but is nevertheless widely supported by speech synthesizers.
Same as 80 words per minute.
Same as 120 words per minute
Same as 180 - 200 words per minute.
Same as 300 words per minute.
Same as 500 words per minute.
Adds 40 words per minute to the current speech rate.
Subtracts 40 words per minutes from the current speech rate.
Value:  [[<specific-voice> | <generic-voice> ],]* [<specific-voice> | <generic-voice> ] | inherit
Initial:  depends on user agent
Applies to:  all elements
Inherited:  yes
Percentages:  N/A
Media:  aural

The value is a comma-separated, prioritized list of voice family names (compare with 'font-family'). Values have the following meanings:

Values are voice families. Possible values are 'male', 'female', and 'child'.
Values are specific instances (e.g., comedian, trinoids, carlos, lani).


H1 { voice-family: announcer, male }
P.part.romeo { voice-family: romeo, male }
P.part.juliet { voice-family: juliet, female }

Names of specific voices may be quoted, and indeed must be quoted if any of the words that make up the name does not conform to the syntax rules for identifiers. It is also recommended to quote specific voices with a name consisting of more than one word. If quoting is omitted, any whitespaceCharacters before and after the font name are ignored and any sequence of whitespace characters inside the font name is converted to a single space.

Value:  <frequency> | x-low | low | medium | high | x-high | inherit
Initial:  medium
Applies to:  all elements
Inherited:  yes
Percentages:  N/A
Media:  aural

Specifies the average pitch (a frequency) of the speaking voice. The average pitch of a voice depends on the voice family. For example, the average pitch for a standard male voice is around 120Hz, but for a female voice, it's around 210Hz.

Values have the following meanings:

Specifies the average pitch of the speaking voice in hertz (Hz).
x-low, low, medium, high, x-high
These values do not map to absolute frequencies since these values depend on the voice family. User agents should map these values to appropriate frequencies based on the voice family and user environment. However, user agents must map these values in order (i.e., 'x-low' is a lower frequency than 'low', etc.).
Value:  <number> | inherit
Initial:  50
Applies to:  all elements
Inherited:  yes
Percentages:  N/A
Media:  aural

Specifies variation in average pitch. The perceived pitch of a human voice is determined by the fundamental frequency and typically has a value of 120Hz for a male voice and 210Hz for a female voice. Human languages are spoken with varying inflection and pitch; these variations convey additional meaning and emphasis. Thus, a highly animated voice, i.e., one that is heavily inflected, displays a high pitch range. This property specifies the range over which these variations occur, i.e., how much the fundamental frequency may deviate from the average pitch.

Values have the following meanings:

A value between '0' and '100'. A pitch range of '0' produces a flat, monotonic voice. A pitch range of 50 produces normal inflection. Pitch ranges greater than 50 produce animated voices.
Value:  <number> | inherit
Initial:  50
Applies to:  all elements
Inherited:  yes
Percentages:  N/A
Media:  aural

Specifies the height of "local peaks" in the intonation contour of a voice. For example, English is a stressed language, and different parts of a sentence are assigned primary, secondary, or tertiary stress. The value of 'stress'Controls the amount of inflection that results from these stress markers. This property is a companion to the 'pitch-range' property and is provided to allow developers to exploit higher-end auditory displays.

Values have the following meanings:

A value, between '0' and '100'. The meaning of values depends on the language being spoken. For example, a level of '50' for a standard, English-speaking male voice (average pitch = 122Hz), speaking with normal intonation and emphasis would have a different meaning than '50' for an Italian voice.
Value:  <number> | inherit
Initial:  50
Applies to:  all elements
Inherited:  yes
Percentages:  N/A
Media:  aural

Specifies the richness, or brightness, of the speaking voice. A rich voice will "carry" in a large room, a smooth voice will not. (The term "smooth" refers to how the wave form looks when drawn.)

Values have the following meanings:

A value between '0' and '100'. The higher the value, the more the voice will carry. A lower value will produce a soft, mellifluous voice.

19.9 Speech properties: 'speak-punctuation' and 'speak-numeral'

An additional speech property, speak-header, is described in the chapter on tables

Value:  code | none | inherit
Initial:  none
Applies to:  all elements
Inherited:  yes
Percentages:  N/A
Media:  aural

This property specifies how punctuation is spoken. Values have the following meanings:

Punctuation such as semicolons, braces, and so on are to be spoken literally.
Punctuation is not to be spoken, but instead rendered naturally as various pauses.
Value:  digits | continuous | inherit
Initial:  continuous
Applies to:  all elements
Inherited:  yes
Percentages:  N/A
Media:  aural

This property controls how numerals are spoken. Values have the following meanings:

Speak the numeral as individual digits. Thus, "237" is spoken "Two Three Seven".
Speak the numeral as a full number. Thus, "237" is spoken "Two hundred thirty seven". Word representations are language-dependent.

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Boardshorts are designed to be quick-drying, and are generally made from smooth polyester or nylon material. They are durable and hold up to wear from contact with a surfboard, yet are comfortable and light-weight. They are well-adapted to their use in various active watersports. These are the best board shorts around: Volcom Board Shorts
Hurley Board Shorts
Quiksilver Board Shorts
Roxy Board Shorts
Billabong Board Shorts
Adidas Board Shorts
Emerica Board Shorts
Element Board Shorts
Analog Board Shorts
Alpinestars Board Shorts
Quiksilver Board Shorts
C1rca Board Shorts
DC Board Shorts
Dakine Board Shorts
Etnies Board Shorts
Independent Board Shorts
Jet Pilot Board Shorts
Kr3w Board Shorts
RVCA Board Shorts
LRG Board Shorts
Matix Board Shorts
Lost Board Shorts
Metal Mulisha Board Shorts
O'Neill Board Shorts
Boardshorts do not have an elastic waist like many swim shorts do; instead they have a more rigid waistband which opens at the front, often with a velcro fly. The waistband is also held together at the front with a lace-up tie. This double fail-safe system is in order to ensure that the shorts cannot be pulled off the body by the force of the wave when a surfer is tumbled under water during a wipeout. Another common feature of authentic surfing boardshort design is a very small pocket sealed with velcro and vented with a grommet. This is designed to be a secure place to carry a car key or house key while in the water: Volcom Boardshorts
Hurley Boardshorts
Quiksilver Boardshorts
Roxy Boardshorts
Billabong Boardshorts
Adidas Boardshorts
Emerica Boardshorts
Element Boardshorts
Analog Boardshorts
Alpinestars Boardshorts
Quiksilver Boardshorts
C1rca Boardshorts
DC Boardshorts
Dakine Boardshorts
Etnies Boardshorts
Independent Boardshorts
Jet Pilot Boardshorts
Kr3w Boardshorts
RVCA Boardshorts
LRG Boardshorts
Matix Boardshorts
Lost Boardshorts
Metal Mulisha Boardshorts
O'Neill Boardshorts
Boardshorts are normally longer than some shorts or form-fitting speedo styles of swimwear and sometimes they have a baggy appearance. Boardshorts are longer than normal shorts for one major reason: surfboards are covered with a layer of sticky wax, which allows the surfer to stand on the board without slipping off. However, this wax can rip leg hair off the surfer when he is sitting on the board waiting for waves. Long boardshorts cover the back of the leg when sitting on the board, preventing the wax from ripping at the leg hair. The length of boardshorts is also affected according to fashion trends; ranging from mid-thigh (old school) to below the knee, covering the entire knee. They often sit low in the back, exposing the top of the buttocks. Many designs use vibrant color, Hawaiian floral images and highlighted stitching; however not all boardshorts have these features: Volcom Boardshort
Hurley Boardshort
Quiksilver Boardshort
Roxy Boardshort
Billabong Boardshort
Adidas Boardshort
Emerica Boardshort
Element Boardshort
Analog Boardshort
Alpinestars Boardshort
Quiksilver Boardshort
C1rca Boardshort
DC Boardshort
Dakine Boardshort
Etnies Boardshort
Independent Boardshort
Jet Pilot Boardshort
Kr3w Boardshort
RVCA Boardshort
LRG Boardshort
Matix Boardshort
Lost Boardshort
Metal Mulisha Boardshort
O'Neill Boardshort
Although the basic design for boardshorts remains largely the same, some manufacturers have taken advantage of new technology. Because surfers and other water-sports enthusiasts commonly wear boardshorts without underwear, one of the major complaints has been about the use of velcro for the fly closure which tends to entangle pubic hair. A solution that some manufactures have come up with is to use a neoprene fly, which does not allow the fly to completely open, but provides enough stretch so that the shorts can be easily pulled on and off. Pubic hair does not get caught on the neoprene fly. To remedy another common complaint, about boardshorts stitching in the inseam area which would rub directly against the wearer's skin, many manufacturers switched to a seamless design, or use welding or glue, rather than stitches. Although it is very common for boardshorts to be worn as is, some male wearers prefer to wear boxers, a jockstrap or briefs under them. Some female wearers wear a swimsuit or bikini bottom under them. Volcom Board Short
Hurley Board Short
Quiksilver Board Short
Roxy Board Short
Billabong Board Short
Adidas Board Short
Emerica Board Short
Element Board Short
Analog Board Short
Alpinestars Board Short
Quiksilver Board Short
C1rca Board Short
DC Board Short
Dakine Board Short
Etnies Board Short
Independent Board Short
Jet Pilot Board Short
Kr3w Board Short
RVCA Board Short
LRG Board Short
Matix Board Short
Lost Board Short
Metal Mulisha Board Short
O'Neill Board Short
Here are few links to some of the more popular Volcom surf clothing products:

Volcom Shirts
Volcom Tees
Volcom Shorts
Volcom Hats
Volcom Shoes
Volcom Boardshorts
Volcom Jackets

Here are few links to some of the more popular Element apparel and clothing products:

Element Shirts
Element Tees
Element Shorts
Element Hats
Element Shoes
Element Boardshorts
Element Jackets

Here are few links to some of the more popular Ezekiel apparel and clothing products:

Ezekiel Shirts
Ezekiel Tees
Ezekiel Shorts
Ezekiel Hats
Ezekiel Shoes
Ezekiel Boardshorts
Ezekiel Jackets

Here are few links to some of the more popular RVCA apparel and clothing products:

RVCA Shirts
RVCA Shorts
RVCA Shoes
RVCA Boardshorts
RVCA Jackets

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HB Sport Apparel
OC Sport Shop
OC Sport Apparel
All Sport Apparel
All Surf clothing


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This is the website that has all the latest for surf, skate and snow. You can also see it here:. You'll be glad you saw the surf apparel.

Boardshorts are designed to be quick-drying, and are generally made from smooth polyester or nylon material. They are durable and hold up to wear from contact with a surfboard, yet are comfortable and light-weight. They are well-adapted to their use in various active watersports. These are the best board shorts around: Volcom Board Shorts
Hurley Board Shorts
Quiksilver Board Shorts
Roxy Board Shorts
Billabong Board Shorts
Adidas Board Shorts
Emerica Board Shorts
Element Board Shorts
Analog Board Shorts
Alpinestars Board Shorts
Quiksilver Board Shorts
C1rca Board Shorts
DC Board Shorts
Dakine Board Shorts
Etnies Board Shorts
Independent Board Shorts
Jet Pilot Board Shorts
Kr3w Board Shorts
RVCA Board Shorts
LRG Board Shorts
Matix Board Shorts
Lost Board Shorts
Metal Mulisha Board Shorts
O'Neill Board Shorts
Boardshorts do not have an elastic waist like many swim shorts do; instead they have a more rigid waistband which opens at the front, often with a velcro fly. The waistband is also held together at the front with a lace-up tie. This double fail-safe system is in order to ensure that the shorts cannot be pulled off the body by the force of the wave when a surfer is tumbled under water during a wipeout. Another common feature of authentic surfing boardshort design is a very small pocket sealed with velcro and vented with a grommet. This is designed to be a secure place to carry a car key or house key while in the water: Volcom Boardshorts
Hurley Boardshorts
Quiksilver Boardshorts
Roxy Boardshorts
Billabong Boardshorts
Adidas Boardshorts
Emerica Boardshorts
Element Boardshorts
Analog Boardshorts
Alpinestars Boardshorts
Quiksilver Boardshorts
C1rca Boardshorts
DC Boardshorts
Dakine Boardshorts
Etnies Boardshorts
Independent Boardshorts
Jet Pilot Boardshorts
Kr3w Boardshorts
RVCA Boardshorts
LRG Boardshorts
Matix Boardshorts
Lost Boardshorts
Metal Mulisha Boardshorts
O'Neill Boardshorts
Boardshorts are normally longer than some shorts or form-fitting speedo styles of swimwear and sometimes they have a baggy appearance. Boardshorts are longer than normal shorts for one major reason: surfboards are covered with a layer of sticky wax, which allows the surfer to stand on the board without slipping off. However, this wax can rip leg hair off the surfer when he is sitting on the board waiting for waves. Long boardshorts cover the back of the leg when sitting on the board, preventing the wax from ripping at the leg hair. The length of boardshorts is also affected according to fashion trends; ranging from mid-thigh (old school) to below the knee, covering the entire knee. They often sit low in the back, exposing the top of the buttocks. Many designs use vibrant color, Hawaiian floral images and highlighted stitching; however not all boardshorts have these features: Volcom Boardshort
Hurley Boardshort
Quiksilver Boardshort
Roxy Boardshort
Billabong Boardshort
Adidas Boardshort
Emerica Boardshort
Element Boardshort
Analog Boardshort
Alpinestars Boardshort
Quiksilver Boardshort
C1rca Boardshort
DC Boardshort
Dakine Boardshort
Etnies Boardshort
Independent Boardshort
Jet Pilot Boardshort
Kr3w Boardshort
RVCA Boardshort
LRG Boardshort
Matix Boardshort
Lost Boardshort
Metal Mulisha Boardshort
O'Neill Boardshort
Although the basic design for boardshorts remains largely the same, some manufacturers have taken advantage of new technology. Because surfers and other water-sports enthusiasts commonly wear boardshorts without underwear, one of the major complaints has been about the use of velcro for the fly closure which tends to entangle pubic hair. A solution that some manufactures have come up with is to use a neoprene fly, which does not allow the fly to completely open, but provides enough stretch so that the shorts can be easily pulled on and off. Pubic hair does not get caught on the neoprene fly. To remedy another common complaint, about boardshorts stitching in the inseam area which would rub directly against the wearer's skin, many manufacturers switched to a seamless design, or use welding or glue, rather than stitches. Although it is very common for boardshorts to be worn as is, some male wearers prefer to wear boxers, a jockstrap or briefs under them. Some female wearers wear a swimsuit or bikini bottom under them. Volcom Board Short
Hurley Board Short
Quiksilver Board Short
Roxy Board Short
Billabong Board Short
Adidas Board Short
Emerica Board Short
Element Board Short
Analog Board Short
Alpinestars Board Short
Quiksilver Board Short
C1rca Board Short
DC Board Short
Dakine Board Short
Etnies Board Short
Independent Board Short
Jet Pilot Board Short
Kr3w Board Short
RVCA Board Short
LRG Board Short
Matix Board Short
Lost Board Short
Metal Mulisha Board Short
O'Neill Board Short
Here are few links to some of the more popular Volcom surf clothing products:

Volcom Shirts
Volcom Tees
Volcom Shorts
Volcom Hats
Volcom Shoes
Volcom Boardshorts
Volcom Jackets

Here are few links to some of the more popular Element apparel and clothing products:

Element Shirts
Element Tees
Element Shorts
Element Hats
Element Shoes
Element Boardshorts
Element Jackets

Here are few links to some of the more popular Ezekiel apparel and clothing products:

Ezekiel Shirts
Ezekiel Tees
Ezekiel Shorts
Ezekiel Hats
Ezekiel Shoes
Ezekiel Boardshorts
Ezekiel Jackets

Here are few links to some of the more popular RVCA apparel and clothing products:

RVCA Shirts
RVCA Shorts
RVCA Shoes
RVCA Boardshorts
RVCA Jackets

HB Surf Shop
HB Sport Apparel
OC Sport Shop
OC Sport Apparel
All Sport Apparel
All Surf clothing


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This style of footwear has been worn by the people of many cultures throughout the world, originating as early as the ancient Egyptians. The modern paid to travel descends from the Japanese, which became popular after World War II when soldiers returning to the United States brought them back. They became popular unisex summer footwear starting in the 1960s.

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