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Document Management: Organizing Files | Správa dokumentů: Organizace souborů |
Document management as a technology and a discipline has traditionally augmented the capabilities of a computer's file system. By enabling users to characterize their documents, which are usually stored in files, document management systems enable users to store, retrieve, and use their documents more easily and powerfully than they can do within the file system itself. | Technologie správy dokumentů tradičně stavěla na základech počítačového systému souborů. Tím, že umožnila blíže charakterizovat uživateli jeho dokumenty, uložené v souborech, systémy pro správu dokumentů usnadňují skladování, vyhledávání a používání dokumentů v porovnání s klasickými systémy souborů. |
Long before anyone thought of Surf, document management systems were originally developed to help law offices maintain better control over and access to the many documents that legal professionals generate. The basic mechanisms of the first document management systems performed, among others, these simple but powerful tasks: | Dlouho předtím, než kdokoliv pomyslel na Surf, byly pro potřeby právních kanceláří vyvinuty systémy správy dokumentů, které pomáhaly kancelářím získat lepší kontrolu nad velkým množstvím produkovaných právních textů. Již první systémy nabízely mimo jiné následující jednoduché, ale velmi užitečné funkce: |
Document Management: Organizing Files Document management as a technology and a discipline has traditionally augmented the capabilities of a computer's file system. By enabling users to characterize their documents, which are usually stored in files, document management systems enable users to store, retrieve, and use their documents more easily and powerfully than they can do within the file system itself. Long before anyone thought of Surf, document management systems were originally developed to help law offices maintain better control over and access to the many documents that legal professionals generate. The basic mechanisms of the first document management systems performed, among others, these simple but powerful tasks:
In essence, document management systems created libraries of documents in a computer system or a network. The document library contained a "card catalog" where the user-supplied information was stored and through which users could find out about the documents and access them. The card catalog was a database that captured information about a document, such as these:
Armed with a database of such information about documents, users could find information in more sensible and intuitive ways than scanning different directories' lists of contents, hoping that a file's name might reveal what the file contained. Many people consider document management systems' first achievement to have created "a file system within the file system." Soon, document management systems began to provide additional and valuable functionality. By enriching the databases of information about the documents (the metadata), these systems provided these capabilities:
These critical capabilities (among others) of document management systems have proven enormously successful, fueling a multi-billion dollar business led by Documentum, Xerox, IBM, and others. |
In essence, document management systems created libraries of documents in a computer system or a network. The document library contained a "card catalog" where the user-supplied information was stored and through which users could find out about the documents and access them. The card catalog was a database that captured information about a document, such as these: | Ve své podstatě, systémy pro správu dokumentů vytvářely z těchto dokumentů virtuální knihovny v počítači nebo na síti. Takové knihovny obsahovaly katalog, ve kterém byly skladovány uživatelské informace a ve kterém mohli uživatelé nalézt informace o dokumentech a o přístupu k nim. Takovéto databáze shromažďovaly následující informace o dokumentu: |
Document Management: Organizing Files Document management as a technology and a discipline has traditionally augmented the capabilities of a computer's file system. By enabling users to characterize their documents, which are usually stored in files, document management systems enable users to store, retrieve, and use their documents more easily and powerfully than they can do within the file system itself. Long before anyone thought of Surf, document management systems were originally developed to help law offices maintain better control over and access to the many documents that legal professionals generate. The basic mechanisms of the first document management systems performed, among others, these simple but powerful tasks:
In essence, document management systems created libraries of documents in a computer system or a network. The document library contained a "card catalog" where the user-supplied information was stored and through which users could find out about the documents and access them. The card catalog was a database that captured information about a document, such as these:
Armed with a database of such information about documents, users could find information in more sensible and intuitive ways than scanning different directories' lists of contents, hoping that a file's name might reveal what the file contained. Many people consider document management systems' first achievement to have created "a file system within the file system." Soon, document management systems began to provide additional and valuable functionality. By enriching the databases of information about the documents (the metadata), these systems provided these capabilities:
These critical capabilities (among others) of document management systems have proven enormously successful, fueling a multi-billion dollar business led by Documentum, Xerox, IBM, and others. |
Armed with a database of such information about documents, users could find information in more sensible and intuitive ways than scanning different directories' lists of contents, hoping that a file's name might reveal what the file contained. Many people consider document management systems' first achievement to have created "a file system within the file system." | Uživatelé, vyzbrojení databází, mohli nacházet informace intuitivnějším způsobem než prohledáváním různých adresářů s nadějí, že název souboru bude nějak odrážet to, čeho se dokument týká. Mnoho lidí tvrdí, že prvním úspěchem sysému správy dokumentů byl vznik "systému souborů uvnitř systému souborů". |
Soon, document management systems began to provide additional and valuable functionality. By enriching the databases of information about the documents (the metadata), these systems provided these capabilities: | Brzy byly do těchto systémů přidány další funkce. Tím, že byly tyto databáze obohaceny o další informace (metadata), tyto systémy mohly nabídnout i následující možnosti: |
Document Management: Organizing Files Document management as a technology and a discipline has traditionally augmented the capabilities of a computer's file system. By enabling users to characterize their documents, which are usually stored in files, document management systems enable users to store, retrieve, and use their documents more easily and powerfully than they can do within the file system itself. Long before anyone thought of Surf, document management systems were originally developed to help law offices maintain better control over and access to the many documents that legal professionals generate. The basic mechanisms of the first document management systems performed, among others, these simple but powerful tasks:
In essence, document management systems created libraries of documents in a computer system or a network. The document library contained a "card catalog" where the user-supplied information was stored and through which users could find out about the documents and access them. The card catalog was a database that captured information about a document, such as these:
Armed with a database of such information about documents, users could find information in more sensible and intuitive ways than scanning different directories' lists of contents, hoping that a file's name might reveal what the file contained. Many people consider document management systems' first achievement to have created "a file system within the file system." Soon, document management systems began to provide additional and valuable functionality. By enriching the databases of information about the documents (the metadata), these systems provided these capabilities:
These critical capabilities (among others) of document management systems have proven enormously successful, fueling a multi-billion dollar business led by Documentum, Xerox, IBM, and others. |
These critical capabilities (among others) of document management systems have proven enormously successful, fueling a multi-billion dollar business led by Documentum, Xerox, IBM, and others. | Tyto zásadní schopnosti systémů správy dokumentů měly ohromný úspěch a vedly ke vzniku multimiliardového obchodu, v jehož čele stály Documentum, Xerox, IBM a další. |
adultinternetusers > Překlady > XML: správa dokumentů a informací |
Intro / Search / adultinternetusers |
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