$Version: 4 $Totobjs: 1 $Pen_RGB2Color: 0 0 0 $Fill_RGB2Color: 0 0 0 $Font: "Arial" 120 0 $Obj: text $Transparent: $RxnAtch: -1 -1 $Obj_coords: 1851 1350 3791 2309 $MDLEdittext: 1 17 {\rtf1\defformat\pc {\fonttbl {\f1904\nil Arial;} } \plain \f1904\fs24 This is one of the expected hits. \plain \f1904\fs24 \par \plain \f1904\fs24 Such hit is framed with blue color. \plain \f1904\fs24 \par \par \plain \f1904\fs24 The number in the left bottom corner \plain \f1904\fs24 \par \plain \f1904\fs24 gives the BRN or RID number of the \plain \f1904\fs24 \par \plain \f1904\fs24 molecule or reaction, respectively. \plain \f1904\fs24 \par } $Endsketch: